Services & Service Areas

Expert Consulting:

                               Close-up and macro photography


                               Photography of industrial, medical and

                                                     biological processes/subjects

                                                     in special / challenging circumstances.


                     On site:            Location photography by appointment.

                     Studio:             Close-up photography




We specialize in photography under special / challenging situations such as leading-edge research environment as well as industrial, medical, and biological processes/subjects that benefit from high resolution images.  We also handle customized projects that require prompt and/or discreet photographic recording.

Confidentiality guaranteed.


We are equipped to take hundreds of pictures

until all aspects of your request are covered.


Production:     Computer-assisted drawing

Photo composition (photo-montages, panoramic photographs)

Digital retouching for publications, reports, presentations and thesis: we retouch and optimize images, including resizing, cropping, labeling and repair of inaccurate originals.


You may:

               * Request a visit for location photography;

               * Mail material to be photographed.


After hours availability: Dependent upon previous arrangement.

                                         On most cases we can perform your request

                                         after 5PM and on weekends.


Most jobs scheduled within 24-48 hours

Most jobs delivered within 24-48 hours


Service areas:

                        For on site work, we primarily cover the areas

                        within a 60 miles radius of San Antonio, TX

Exceptionally: Other areas in Texas.




Terms and conditions


I - TorresPhotos (hereafter referred as TP) reserves the right:

  1 - to make backup copies of selected pictures;

  2 - to decline any request deemed illegal or inappropriate,

       at the sole discretion of TP

  3 - to decline storage of any material that may be considered dangerous,

        suspicious, cumbersome or otherwise unsuitable for processing,

        at the sole discretion of TP.


II - The use, copy and distribution of the image files and printed copies

       are of the sole responsibility of the client.

      TP will not be liable for any illegal or unsuitable use of any image file

      or printed photograph.


III - No authorization to use photographic material will be given to any other party (individual or company) without previous written authorization from the client.


IV - Any material brought in for photographic work will remain in possession of TP for the established period of time agreed at the moment of contract closing and will be available for pick up during one week after the work is delivered.  After this period of one week, the material may be disposed at the discretion of TP.  All material will be handled as careful as possible but will not be insured.  However, all efforts will be made to preserve the original status of the material left with TP for photographic work.


V - TP will not be responsible for any alteration, deterioration or damage of any sort in the material being photographed.


VI – Copyright.

        All pictures are copyrighted by the client.

        Distribution / reproduction by any means of photographs will be made

        only upon authorization of the client.